Connecting with Each Other Through Food

Yesterday we had a pizza party with the fam to celebrate summer birthdays.  My small kitchen was spilling over with cooking, conversation, and laughter. Moments later as we all sat at the table surrounded by piles of dishes, I was reminded of @erinloechner mentioning the practice of Sobremesa. (A time of lingering and socializing after the meal). It was such a good feeling to just slow down and breathe in the moment. No rush to clear the table and put things away. What a great metaphor for life. Next time you’re enjoying a meal with people who are important to you try this: 


  1. Silence your phone and put it out of site. 
  2. Give attention to the person in front of you~your eye contact says you are listening. For fun ask them about their wishes and dreams. 
  3. Slow down and savor the food as if you’re experiencing it for the first time. 
  4. If possible, avoid hard conversations when eating. 
  5. Don’t be in a rush to clean up. This can mistakenly signal that you are finished with the conversation. 

Do you have meal time rituals? We would love to hear about them !

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