The Problem
For better and for worse, family plays a large part in shaping our view of the world and ourselves. When these relationships are impaired, life feels lonely, frustrating and anxious.
Often families grow so defensive with each other that they lose sight of their love for each other.
The Process
Often there is one family member who is considered the “identified patient” who bears the symptoms of a larger family problem. Our therapists engage the full family system. By taking a holistic approach, families are better able to identify the unique dynamics at play in their interactions. That, in turn, helps facilitate a way for all members to grow.
The Promise
We work to help each family member understand how they work for and against one another. When we can refocus the family on interactions that are meaningful and generative, it will strengthen all family members so they can work on their problems together. By providing new ways to deal with conflicts and changes, it is possible to heal and grow as a family.